Peter Elzinga

April 6, 1944 – November 8, 2023

This Service was LIVE at 2:00 PM (MST) on November 25, 2023

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Dean Stuart wrote on January 23, 2024
I had the pleasure of working with a couple companies where Peter served as the Chairman. I used to sneak out of the meetings (to have a smoke) and Peter would join me to discuss what I thought about the meeting. I was low on the org chart, but he always made a point of connecting with me. Definitely taught me a few things over the years.
Condolences to the family.
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shelby j macLeod wrote on December 6, 2023
Inspiration - mentor - wise - are the words that comes to mind when I think of Peter Elzinga. Through his leadership, that government and municipal leaders embraced to improve policies that brought jobs and grew the economy which also changed ordinary peoples lives for the better. Thank you to the family for sharing Peter over the years as he worked to improve the province.
May you always be proud of Peter's tireless work ethic, and the collective work of his colleagues, private and provincial as they worked together to improve the lives of ordinary people so they would benefit and have better lives in the years ahead.
My former Boss, Clint Dunford always spoke highly of all Peter Elzinga'a work visions.
Peace be with U all - as we reflect on a great leader, special good memory comfort for Pat and the entire Elzinga clan.
shelby j macLeod, mentored by Peter & former boss, Clint Dunford, Lethbridge West MLA & AB Cabinet Minister
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Jane Parks wrote on November 25, 2023
I was in Greece when I heard that Peter had passed away. I was shaken to my core that this very special man had left us. So many good memories flooded into my brain of good times, hard work, lots of laughs, and friendship. I met Peter coming out of a polling station at Glen Allen School where I was on my way in to vote for him. I followed along as he served as my MP, the president of the Conservative Party of Canada and then got actively involved when he came to provincial politics. He came to my door and after a quick conversation I joined his team and worked on his campaigns every election time. I had no babysitter so I brought my son Robert along and he was hooked right away by Peter. He learned a lot, but most especially to be kind in decisions and fair. He could not have had a better mentor, and I have lost a good friend, rest in heavenly peace Peter, you have earned your rest and we are all better for having known you. May the coming days lie gentle on your heart Pat and family. God Bless you all.
Lorne, Janie Heidi and Robert Parks
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Judy Babiuk wrote on November 25, 2023
Thank you for your years of service. Thanks to your family for live streaming a beautiful tribute. Rest peacefully and deep condolences to all his family.

With sympathy
Judy B
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Lois Nanninga wrote on November 25, 2023
Pat and Sons
The service was a wonderful tribute to your dear husband, father, grandfather and great grandfather.
It’s been a blessing to be part of your extended family.
My prayer is that God will comfort you as you mourn, in the days, weeks and years ahead.
Love always, Lois
It I is with deep regret that I was unable to attend.
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Larry & Evelyn Rath wrote on November 25, 2023
To Pat , Gregg ,Roger,PeterBurl &Family
Our deepest condolences.
The Rath Family
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Dennis & Doreen Erker wrote on November 25, 2023
We were so pleased to be able to join you online as you honoured this phenomenal man. He lived his faith in so many ways, but especially his through love of his precious family, his dear friends & our beautiful country. He so rightfully earned the respect that has been paid to him. He left the world a better place because of his presence & he will be sadly missed but not forgotten. Our love & caring to all of your family.
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John Cahill wrote on November 25, 2023
My condolences to Pat and to Peter's sons on your loss of such a wonderful man whose kindness , understanding and grasp of what is right - and what is not right - touched everyone he encountered. I had the great privilege of working with Peter for over a decade and learned from him the importance of developing a keen sense of empathy, as "reality is always in the other person's mind". He was truly a kind and generous man.
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Myrna & Tony Wilson wrote on November 25, 2023
Uncle Peter was a quiet man but one who came across gentle and respectful. He did a lot of good on this side of heaven. We think of Aunty Pat and cousins as you remember, grieve and celebrate his life. With all our love Tony and Myrna
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Brenda Buffel wrote on November 25, 2023
As part of Peter's team in the Alberta
Legislature for six years, I learned through him and made some lifelong friends. It was a wonderful, educational, political and social experience.
Thank you, Peter— rest in peace.
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Rory Campbell wrote on November 25, 2023
Peter was a good man. He was also a good friend and an important mentor to me. Peace be with him.....
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Ace Cetinski wrote on November 21, 2023
Peter and I go back to the time Peter and I ran for the Pembina district and I represented the Social Credit candidate. We became good friends and travelled together to the various political meetings during the election period. When he became the MLA for Sherwood Park I joined his Board of Directors as VP and we worked on a number of projects that made Alberta the best province to live in. I remember well that when i was president of the Sherwood Park Chamber of Commerce Peter was instrumental in providing $100,000 for our new Chamber building and about that time he supported me in my fight against the GST. I have great memories of our time together and I ask Almighty God to grant him eternal peace.
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Francis Dryden wrote on November 18, 2023
Before the dreaded GST came in I (and 3 others) were chosen from the Edmonton Real Estate Board to stop the GST being applied to resale homes (the new home builders' association chose not to join us in this)... with the assistance of Peter and Ralph Klein we were successful... thank you Peter and my you Rest In Peace.
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